About the Work

I have always thought that all creators - of art, music, poetry, dance, galaxies, etc.- continually form new symbols and ideas within their work, which help to guide people, subconsciously or consciously, on their chosen paths. The symbols and ideas in my artwork evolve through a combination of artful planning and intuition and derive mostly from the nature around me with all its intricate designs, patterns and colors. I also get inspiration from books, magazines, dance, music and visits to museums and galleries. Actually, anything I hear, see, touch, feel, read, experience adds to the collection of shapes and colors in my mind and continuously forms and re-forms into ideas for paintings and drawings. I see amazing things in my mind’s eye and am always working to bring these images of light into our three-dimensional world.

For the paintings, many layers of colors, forms, and designs are drawn, painted and/or sprinkled onto canvas or wood. I use many different mediums – ink, graphite, charcoal, colored pencil (drawn or painted), acrylic paint and/or water miscible oil paint. Textures can be layered in with fabric, paper, marble dust, pastel dust, sand and/or thick acrylic gesso or medium. The layers are held together with casein fixative or acrylic medium and the finished work, unless framed behind glass, is given a coat or two of acrylic varnish. The colored drawings are done with colored pencil, pastel and acrylic on wood or canvas. The black and white drawings are graphite and, sometimes, pastel or charcoal on paper or wood. For some projects, I adhere paper onto wood and varnish the drawing instead of putting it behind glass. Glass always seems to me like an uncomfortable barrier behind the viewer and the drawing.

All the mediums I work with are water soluble in an effort to be as environmentally friendly as possible and so that they bind together chemically. The lower toxicity enables me to work inside our house, which is where all my studio spaces have been. When the weather is nice enough I work outside but, being that I've lived in Michigan most of my life, that's not something I can count on!

My hope is that the artwork will not only be interesting and beautiful, but will also help people feel inspired to embrace their own creativity and live their dreams.

My artwork has been displayed in many galleries and shows. Many paintings, drawings and prints are owned by collectors and art lovers all over the world. To see the work in real life visit Synchronicity Gallery in Glen Arbor, Michigan, Oliver Art Center in Frankfort, Michigan (occasionally) or at the home studio.