Going Into the Past - Paintings from 2007

When I scroll through this blog I always feel like there are so many paintings missing so, starting today I'm going to put in lots of oldies but goodies.  Here goes!

 "Dreams and Designs"  sand, oil, acrylic on canvas

"Waterfall Wave"  sand, oil and acrylic on canvas

"Waves on a Small Beach"  sand, oil and acrylic on canvas

"Designing Women"  acrylic paste, oil on board

 "Dreamers and the Dream" oil on canvas

"Face in Blue"  oil and acrylic on canvas

"Finding a Way Out"  acrylic paste, oil and ink on canvas

 "Galaxy Gazers"  sand, oil, acrylic on canvas

"Girl With a Fan"  sand, oil, acrylic on canvas

 "Misty Blue Mountains"  oil on plywood

 "One Girl"  oil and acrylic on canvas

"Watching Waves"  sand, oil, acrylic on canvas

More From the Past - 2008


New Paintings and Painted Drawings