Spirals and . . . . . .

The studio has been finished for a couple of weeks now and it is wonderful to work in.  It even has enough light for me to work all evening.  I still move pictures around the house to work on them in different light but the studio is the main place.  Will, my 5 year old grandson, asks to work on artwork with me and we happily paint together at our respective tables.  Yesterday he finished an incredible pastel painting on canvas as a present for his Dad and to enter in the next member show at the Oliver Art Center.

I've finished 4 smaller paintings and have about 6 larger ones and a couple of smaller ones in progress.  I have two properly photographed as of this first posting and will add more soon.  And now this is the second posting of this post :) and there are two more photos!  Continue below Will's painting to see three newer ones.

" 'Till Thou Art Free"   14 x 24   oil, pastel, marble dust on canvas

"Light Dance"   22 x 18   oil, colored pencil, pastel on canvas

Will's painting: "Wind Spirals"   24 x 24   pastel on canvas with casein fixative

and more Skye paintings
 "Dark Matters"   12 x 24   oil, marble dust and colored pencil on canvas   Sold

"Spirit Through"   10 x 16   colored pencil and oil on canvas

"Self Portrait"   26 x 30   oil, acrylic, colored pencil, pastel, marble dust on plywood
This started out with the figure being a person enjoying the night sky (somewhere) then changed to a person standing on scaffolding painting the nebula and then the person became me and I stepped off the scaffolding to hover as I create the actual nebula with light.  What fun!  That's the way I would always love to create!
This painting is now at the Oliver Art Center for their member show.


A Few New in 2020


Another One Done!!