Raven Blues and Owl Dreams
After creating all the abstract paintings for the big "Make Mine Abstract!" show at the Oliver Art Center in Frankfort, Michigan, which is still going on and will continue into June, I felt the need to create paintings with some realistic images in them, as I usually do. Here are two:
"Raven Blues" 27 x 29 oil and acrylic on plywood Sold
For three years a raven family has tried to move into the big pine woods on our property. The crow family who lives there got extremely upset and, every year, called in the extended family to chase the ravens off. Sometimes there would be 10 crows or more on the attack. Poor ravens. They did eventually settle a little further away so I still get to hear their lovely guttural calls, especially as they discuss terms of co-existence with the crows who still enjoy harassing them.
Owl Dreams 11 x 14 colored pencil, pastel, acrylic on plywood Sold
I'm always trying to create thin white lines and I think I finally achieved success in this painting/drawing. The owl is a Barred Owl. We have at least one family always living in the ravine just down the hill from us. They provide us with "eine kleine Nachtmusik".
Then there is this whole other project I've been thinking about and working on a bit. I have the idea of creating a book of my artwork called, "Museum of Dreams". I've done a couple of paintings with that name but these images will be a bit different. One idea is to take old and new artworks and digitally combine things. Here is the first idea:
As you can see, I've added a couple of images and have one more in mind. So watch for an updated version sooner than later. Right now I am tired of doing computer work and I have to go tend the fire and get supper going, anyway.
Thanks for visiting the blog! Check out Pluto Living on Youtube for a bit of of cuteness and smiles/giggles.