New for 2021


"Bird Watching"   40 x 24
acrylic, marble dust, colored pencil, pastel on canvas   $1800
Building on an earlier painting called "Liquid Dust" I added many birds, colors and other designs.  There are at least three different ways to interpret the title "Bird Watching".  

"Videographer in the Eagle Nebula"   13 x 16   
oil, acrylic, graphite on wood   $600
The person gazing up is from a photo of our son taken by our daughter-in-law.  He was looking for interesting things to take pictures of and/or make movies of.  This version is a re-work of the earlier painting.  I added more color, stars, dark and light.

"Contemplation"   8 x 10   graphite, charcoal, acrylic on wood   $400
This drawing/painting is from two photos - one of our two year old grandson walking through the woods and the other of the milky way.

"Above the Treeline, Among the Stars"   14 x 11   $500 
acrylic, colored pencil, pastel on wood
Sometimes when we walk along Lake Michigan we take a high path carved into the almost vertical wooded dune.  We truly are above the treeline and you really do feel like you could just step off and fly over the Lake.  

"Young Woman in South America"   8 x 11   graphite on paper on wood   NFS
The photograph used for this drawing was taken by Joe A. Gentle.  More of his work and Stephanie's, mostly videos, can be found on:

"Will in the Reading Box"  8 x 10   graphite on paper
When Will was young we would often take care of him.  Many times he would climb into this empty cloth toy box and "read".  So charming.

"Rainbow Tiger"  12 x 16   acrylic, colored pencil, pastel on wood   $500
I often put together photo collages for inspiration and this drawing/painting was like doing that except with my own lines and colors.  Birds are everywhere in my life, which is why there are so many here.

"Young Girl With a Fan"  8 x 10   graphite and pastel on paper, framed   $500
One day when she was 5 years old, our daughter got all dressed up and said, "Mom, take pictures of me!"  So I did and this is a drawing from one of those photos.

"Rosebud Nebula"   8 x 12   acrylic, oil, pastel on canvas   $320
Our grandson said I should name this "Demon Cave" but I opted for a calmer title.  It can be either.

"Colorful Woods"  11 x 14   acrylic, colored pencil on wood   $400
Inspired by the lovely woods walks we go on.  You never know what you might get a glimpse of around the next corner.

"Seagulls and Sundogs"   27 x 29   oil, acrylic, marble dust, pastel on canvas   $1500
Inspired by the waters, clouds, seagulls and sundogs I  see when walking the dunes and beaches along Lake Michigan.

"Chrysalis"   36 x 24   oil, acrylic, marble dust, colored pencil, pastel on canvas   $1500
The patterns and colors are from a dream where I saw a gallery full of my paintings.

"Northern Lights"   36 x 30   oil, acrylic, colored pencil, pastel, marble dust on canvas   $1800
I had a very strong image in my mind of concentric circles around a bright object in space so I painted it.  To give the painting more interest I added the clouds and stars of marble dust.  Then more color and lines were added and finally the lovely Norway Spruce tree silhouettes were painted into the foreground.  I realized after finishing the painting that there are quite a few different kinds of northern lights - moon, stars, aurora borealis, fireflies and maybe even fireworks, too!
This painting has already sold from Synchronicity Gallery.

"Deer Orbs"   12 x 16   graphite and pastel on wood   $500
This pretty little girl was checking out the gloves I mistakenly left by the field camera when I set it up in the woods.  The orbs appeared as I did the drawing but I get photos of orbs and beams and lights in the sky with this camera all the time.
Sold from  Synchronicity Gallery.

"Curious Dreams"   52 x 22   
oil, acrylic, colored pencil, marble dust on canvas   $2200 
SOLD! from the Oliver Art Center in Frankfort, MI.
This painting started out as purely abstract, made especially for the abstract art show "Make Mine Abstract!" at the Oliver Art Center in Frankfort.  I was one of three artists invited to be in the show.  The show was scheduled to open two days after everything was shut down in March 2020 so the show went virtual.  Recently I decided to add lots and lots of realistic images over the abstract designs and colors.  The child in the lower left is representative of any of us - gazing out and imagining all kinds of interesting things.

All or most of these paintings and drawings, except "Will In the Reading Box", will be at Synchronicity Gallery in Glen Arbor for their 2021 season.   Some are there now and some will arrive later.  One or two will be at the Oliver Art Center in Frankfort for their member show starting the latter part of June.  They can be purchased at either gallery online or in-person or you can arrange to purchase the artwork directly from me.  For questions email:


Newest Paintings - 2022


Raven Blues and Owl Dreams